[ Video ] [ MU-2-R ] – Demonstrating the Windows evaluation program for the MU series of modems.

Circuit Design’s MU series of modems rely on using command protocol to control and send serial data. One of the methods of sending and receiving commands to the modem is by using the RS232 port from the PC together with MU-2-ESP evaluation software*. As the RS232 uses a higher voltage of +/- 12V to send High and Low signals, this needs to be converted to the nominal 5V level used by the modem. Development tools by Circuit Design feature the necessary components to allow the modem to communicate with the PC and a USB version (USB Interface Board : MU4-USBIF) is available.
*Can also be used with MU-4-434 modem.
To download the evaluation software, visit the MU-4 documentation page.